career counselling & COACHING (companies & individuals)
Let’s chat about your career and shine a light on your ideal path.
It can be hard making big life decisions or facing challenges without support. Let’s bring you some clarity and direction so you can be confident about the best way forward. Many things happen during a career, and we all change, which means the choices we make can also change along the way.
I explore your situation and dig deep to uncover any challenges you may have faced in the past or are currently facing. I will support you so that you will find clarity on the way forward. My extensive recruitment experience coupled with my counselling skills provides a valuable balance of support. I hold a Bachelor Degree in Counselling (ACAP).
I won’t push or prescribe. I listen and when required, offer appropriate qualified, practical advice.
Some of the challenges you may be facing:
I am ready for a complete career change and don’t know where to start.
I had a challenging situation at work and it has affected my self-esteem.
How do I negotiate my salary in interview discussions?
I feel I am discriminated in interviews and at work.
How do I articulate my story effectively?
I am going through a personal challenge and don’t know how to manage at work.
How do I know I’m making the right decision on a new job offer?
I took time off in my career and don’t know how to re-enter the workforce.
My position was made redundant at work, and I have lost my confidence.
Session cost:
Contact me for a tailored price. There are no lock-in duration of sessions, as everyone has different challenges. One size does not fit all. We work on an hourly basis and you decide whether you need more sessions. I take your lead on what you need help with.
Marisa Iuculano at Messina Talent for a confidential discussion.
Phone: +61 407 656 005