Get the salary you want and deserve
Salary is always the uncomfortable subject in any interviews. No one likes discussing it but it must be done and you do not want to sell yourself short.
Many of my candidates feel, that if they mention salary being an important factor for them, when considering a new job - a hiring manager will feel their priorities are not aligned. Sometimes they feel that hiring managers only want to hire people who do not place a focus on salary. This is not true and they know that salary is a key part of any interview and role negotiation.
Many candidates tread lightly in their response. A few responses I hear include: “Money is not the deciding factor for me”, or “Money is not important”, or “What is the job paying?”. These types of responses send strong messages that the individual does not place value on their skills, and they are then put in a vulnerable position for someone to potentially offer a salary that does not reward their skills and experience.
When you have worked hard to achieve the success in your career, you should feel confident discussing your salary expectations with anyone wanting to utilize your skills and experience.
Hiring someone is a trade - you are trading your skills for money. If you are not firm on your salary, and are flexible, then a response such as “My salary range is x, and I would be interested to hear more about the opportunity and the salary that is on offer” is a perfect way to kick start the salary conversation by being upfront. Hiring managers have had the same conversations during their interviews, so feel confident discussing your salary requirements.
Be mindful never to state why you need the salary; instead stating the value your skills will offer the organization. This includes part time opportunities where you might be tempted to place flexibility as your priority and trade salary to gain part time employment. Your part time salary should still be based on your skills – remember in all salary discussions to illustrate value. Part time or contract work is the same skill level just different hours of work - nothing else.
Remember these top 3 points when discussing your salary:
1. Hiring someone is a trade – you are trading your skills for money
2. You have worked hard for your skills – this is what your salary should reflect
3. Part-time or contract work utilises the same skills – just through different hours of work
If you would like more guidance on discussing your salary discussion strategy – get in touch.